Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring Cleaning!

I have not blogged in over a week and I have not been to the shop in over a week either. I have been very busy in my garden, cleaning out acorns, leaves, slugs, and mulch in flower beds. I planted some heirloom tomatoe plants, peppers, zucchini, and lettuce seeds. I also planted herbs such as thyme, rosemary, basil, cilantro, and lavender. Now I need to apply compost and new mulch to protect and nourish my plants. I have a compost pile and I put a lot of chicken poop and organic matter (coffe grounds, vegetables, egg shells, rotten fruit, etc.) in it.

I also got this new plant that is a Silver Bells Chocolate Vine. Its drought tolerant and once established, it hardly needs any water. And its evergreen! I got this at Peddle Pushers nursery in Cedar Hill.
I have some pictures of things that I have made in the last week. I found this purse at the thrift store, and I dressed it up a little bit. This canvass is going on a purse, and then I covered this wire lamp shade with lace and pictures of victorian women. I also found this old mirror and put seashells on it!

I found this old office chair in the trash. Im going to clean it up put a new cushion, and slip cover on it. I also found a BIG wooden table on the curb and I was able to get it in my van with the help of my wheelchair lift. Lol. I brought it home and cleaned it up, took the top off and discovered it was from Ethan Allen! So now its at a shop getting refurbished. I was soooo excited because the technician at the shop told me the table was worth over 2000 dollars! The old saying goes true that one persons trash is another persons treasure!
I found these things at garage sales.
Butterfly art!
I must say I have had a very fulfilling week, working in my garden and finding neat stuff! Until next time...!! Orevuar!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Well Its Been Over a Week Since I've Blogged...

I've been real busy moving my booth at collected treasures from the back of the shop to the front. Now I have a window!!! And I'm so excited... Its just an exciting feeling to show the people walking or driving by my talents and treasures. So I would really like to thank Jana for moving me to the front. Here are a few pictures of the booth and the window. I hope you all get a chance to stop by the shop!
All of the previous pictures of all my little treasures I have found are now in the booth. But I have a lot of work to do, and a lot of projects that I have started and have not finished. I really need to get focused but until then.... See ya later!!! Leave comments!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rainy Days and Mondays Always Get Me Down

For some people rainy days and mondays get them down, but not this gal! In fact I get excited when it rains because all the trees and all the spring flowers are getting water, and our lakes are getting filled up. This paricular monday I got together with my daughter Tracy and we made some beautiful pins for your hair, and some sombreuil rose broches.

You might recognize my hand made roses applied to some various items in Janna's shop, Collected Treasures. There are many creative ways to use my roses to spruce up everyday items on your clothing or in your home. For example, lamp shades, curtains, napkin holders, or just a simple sweater.

I'm making gypsie purses and embellishing them with hand made flowers made of velvet, crinoline, lace, and vintage jewlery. Here are a few that are almost finished. Tell me what you think. I appreciate your feedback.

These are some little treasures that I found last week. A beautiful silk nightgown with robe.
A wedding dress......

with its veil....
And a chandelier...
And a beautiful full sized mannequin. Isn't she lovely???
Springs is just around the corner and I have a lot of work to do in my garden, and for my booth. So gotta go!! I'll see you next week!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Little Surprises

After having a rainy day yesterday, I was surprised to see the sun shining bright this morning. I also got a surprise in the mail today...MY BUSINESS CARDS!!! I had them made at I like seeing my name on a business card, lil' ole me! Lol! Today I went to the thrift store and found some little treasures. I always dream of having grand children one day...(big sigh)... but in the mean time I will collect a few baby items.

A cute little picture of a baby(that little gold thing is a thermometer)....

Some little baby sweaters....

..with matching booties and hats!

Oh yea.. and little dresses, made with lace! Oh how precious...

I've had these candelabras for awhile but, I fixed them and they're ready to go to the booth!

Other little treasures I found on my adventures in thriftland..hahah! I found this cute little boy riding a fish and holding up a bowl...strong little boy huh???

And, theses two little girl shoes, to add to my collection of three little boy shoes! With these little shoes I would like to make some pin cushions and put them in my booth.
Well, I got some work to do, housework, boothwork, and gardenwork. I think I will spend the day working in the garden. Plus I have to clean out my chicken coop. Later on tonight after everyone is asleep... I will catch up with some of my blogging sisters out there. Thanks for vistiting my blog. See ya next week!!!