Well for the last few weeks I have been working in my yard trimming, fertilizing, and raking. I have been staying close to home because a loved one has been under the weather. I go outside, work in my garden, then come back in and check on him. Of course he has an attendant, but I still have to check on him myself. As you can tell his sudden sickness has got me down just a bit. But gardening makes me feel good.
Michelle a family friend and my lovely assistant helps me out with the blogging and takes beautiful pictures. The rose arbors are full of hundreds of buds that will start to bloom within the next two weeks. This arbor is the entrance to my front courtyard. And as you can see the old blush roses are starting to bloom. In the backyard the square arbor has four different roses Reve D'Or, Madam Alfred Carriere, Buff Beauty, and Souvenir de la Malmaison.
Here are some roses....
This is a Chinese VirBernum. It has giant snowball blooms! Im surprised it survived, because my husband wacked it in half in the fall. Im happy it survived!
My clemetis are blooming. Isnt it beautiful...?
My dear dear husband said he acccidently broke these two bowls, while he was taking them out of the truck. But I was able to use them and still make them look crafty. If you brake a pot you can still use it.
I found these bird cages on the curb. Garden Art!
The chickens are still laying eggs..... look at the variety of colors, mother nature sure is beautiful.
Since I have been so down and out, I decided to go to the thrift store. I had a field day!! I bought all these little knicks and knacks and it took my mind off of things for awhile. Look at my new treasures....
I found these busts of a boy and a girl.
Im going to take the stuffing out of these pillows and stuff them with potpourri.
A lace dress.
A mirror that says Happy Birthday! How cool.
A %100 pure silk scarf.
I'm going to make some wind chimes with this old silverwear I found.
These shoes have done alot of walking, and now the heel is talking. Lol. I got these shoes real cheap, but I only bought them for the flower embellishments, on the top.
Someone must have gotten tired of all these jingle bells. Everything on this table is a bell! Even the little lady on the left is a bell! They were all in a box.
Well, Its been nice visiting you all, hopefully I'll blog in another week or two. Be careful out there! And I appreciate any comments! Oh yea thanks for visiting!