This is a Peony, with its yellow stamens showing. My replica of it looks kind of similar to the actually flower but still needs a little work. When I get these perfect they will be in my booth.
This is a lovely bloom located on the side of my arbor in the front courtyard. This rose is a peggy miller rose, and it survived Hurricane Katrina. Reports say it was under water for weeks! There has been a lot of propogation of this rose. Its simply a beautiful rose.
This is a statue of a women harvesting some crops, so i put her fittingly into my vegetable garden. She can watch over me vegetable garden while im gone LOL! And you can also see the New Dawn roses mixed with blackberries and blue mist bushes.
My little vegetable garden is coming along just fine. I have green and yellow zuccinis, radishes, sweet onions, cilantro, herbs, lettuces, cantelope, watermelon, and heirlome tomatoes in containers.
Here are some items that will be placed in my shop. I found this shelf at a thrift store for 2 dollars! It will be put to good use in my booth.
I found nine pairs of ballerina slippers! And I hope to embellish them. Even though they are used, the pink shinny satin is beautiful!
All these items will be in the shop tomorow! Come by and see Jana and myself at Collected Treasures in Arlington!
Well, its been nice chatting with you ....and i'll see you next week!! Leave comments!!